My Truth

blog mindset

Whenever there are celestial events (equinoxes, full moons, meteor showers, etc.) I always take note.

Most of us are not above the influence of astronomy.

In that, it’s usually a time for great reflection, change, tweaks in perspective…

How am I showing up in the world?Do things feel like they are in balance?What can I release to make space?

These are just a few questions that trail across my mind.

Today is the Full Moon.

I’m a Taurus girl, through and through (practical, persistent, stubborn).

I’m giving extra attention to personal development at this time (because it just feels right).

In my quiet reflection, I’ve nailed a big truth for me.

I’m in the Transformation business.

It’s so fulfilling to see a shift in a client when something finally clicks. When they sink into their power. When they realize their worth. When their life’s passion manifests into their very first course offering. When we build something out of an idea that then effects dozens or hundreds of others.

Despite my love for holistic wellness, essential oils, and a vegetarian lifestyle, I chose to work in the field of business.


Because somehow when you work with solopreneurs, there is a special magic.

Some things come up (fear, self-doubt, money blocks) in this arena like no other that I’ve found.

I’ve been meditating since 1990.

Let me tell you, things come up no doubt.

But oddly enough, even more, comes to the surface when we are trying to be a leader in the world, share our gifts, build our business, and create a sustainable income!

So today, when the moon will be located on the opposite side of the Earth and the Sun will be fully illuminated — today might be a good time to ask yourself:

Am I ready to take my business to the next level?Am I no longer willing to tolerate the status quo?Am I willing to do whatever it takes to rise & shine?

If so, I invite you to apply for a complimentary Strategy Session with me. During our 60-minutes together you will walk away with a burst of motivation and enthusiasm — the fuel required to propel anything forward.

You will have a clear direction on your next best steps to meet your highest goals.

Interested? Click here to schedule your free call!


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