How Much Content Can You Consume?

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Getting overwhelmed with content? Read this.

There’s a plethora of information that is available to us at any given moment. At times, it can feel fun and powerful; other times, it can feel completely overwhelming. I asked myself, “How much content can you consume?” And it sparked the idea for this post.

I love learning. It is one of my favorite past times. I admit that I can get caught up and press the “buy now” button for the next new course, subscribe to a trending podcast, opt-in to get that oh so enticing pdf, and more! Can you relate?

If I calculated the hours of content that I’ve purchased (on a range of subjects), it truly could accumulate to a bachelor’s degree!

That‘s not even including free sources like YouTube, MarieTV, Gaia, TedTalks, podcasts, Facebook lives, webinars, summits, etc. Then, of course, there‘s the slew of daily emails from businesses that I admire, audiobooks, and ebooks…you get the idea.

In an article from Social Pro Daily on AdWeek, it said:

Just on Facebook’s suite of owned apps alone (Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger — excluding WhatsApp), its users are spending an average of 50 minutes each day.

That is just based on the average person. Factor in additional white papers, business forums, private Facebook groups, etc. for the solopreneur, and I bet you could easily double that figure!

At some point, we have to self-examine and pose the question: “Is it time for a digital media diet?”

Think about it. Most of us have put limitations and/or restrictions on our eating habits at one point in our lives or another. Do we ever consider adjusting our lifestyle routine when it comes to mental consumption?

Here are a couple of things that I’ve started implementing to aid media burnout and improve information digestion:

  1. Get clear on your goals. Take an overview of your options and reflect on why you enrolled. Prioritize the offerings in a way that makes sense to you right now. If the product doesn’t fit your current vision, then it’s ok to weed it off the list.
  2. Get organized! I like to use the bookmark manager in Google Chrome to keep a tidy tier of educational choices. I arrange them in priority by Courses > Course Name > Login Page > Content Highlights (whether it’s a supplemental PDF or a really good piece that I want to be able to refer back to on the fly).
  3. Use a password manager to enable a fast, one-click log-in. There’s no more rummaging around for your scratchpad! I use LastPass because it’s quick, reliable, and free! 1Password is another option.
  4. Schedule your study time. I’ve been doing an hour of business educational materials in the morning before I start my day, and then I leave about 30 minutes in the late afternoon for anything related to self-development. Plan out what works best for you.
  5. Limit future incomings. What I mean is be extra discerning when it comes to adding in more media, in any form. Try to narrow your vision on what is already on your plate and stay focused.
  6. Take a day off! For me, Sunday is the perfect day of the week to be tech-free and have no digital media at all. It’s a chance to recharge, reset, and reboot.

So, how much content can you consume?

Think about the consequences of overeating. There is a maximum amount that we can assimilate and digest at any given time without discomfort. To extract the optimal value from what we ingest, we need to be mindful of the quality, quantity, and frequency. Our mental system is very similar.

To educational efficiency and true wisdom.

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