Behind the Scenes of My Rebrand (+ Some Big Truth)

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Great advice for rebranding your business.

So most of you (hopefully) know the benefits of branding, but what about rebranding?

Wikipedia states, “Rebranding is a marketing strategy in which a new name, term, symbol, design, or combination thereof is created for an established brand with the intention of developing a new, differentiated identity in the minds of consumers, investors, competitors, and other stakeholders.”

Simplified, rebranding is a fresh, new company look with specific objectives.

In the beginning

When I created my initial brand, I decided I was going to use the DIY online tools that were available, like Canva, PicMonkey, and Gimp to create my look and feel. I got color inspiration from Design Seeds and I found fonts on Creative Market. I took selfies with my cell. The only things that I hired out were my business cards, which I sourced on Fiverr. Here’s what I came up with:

How I knew it was time to rebrand

At some point in your business, you just know that you need a change. That somehow all the effort you are putting in is not providing as much ROI as it should. I knew that I needed a better way to communicate my message. I also knew that the client that I was attracting wasn’t the “perfect fit” to what I was offering.

I toyed around with the idea of recreating it all over again myself and then realized if I was really going to uplevel that I had to let go of the control and employ specific professionals.

I hired a brand developer and a business strategist. I started learning about copywriting and how to craft my message into stories vs. just speaking at people. I scoured Facebook groups in my industry that had the most engaging threads. What was my ideal client most needing help with? What were their biggest frustrations?

I got out of my own head of what I thought my client wanted and actually started listening to what they really needed.

The process

And then the process began. And it was a PROCESS!

Within the first 5 minutes of my initial strategy call, my coach said, “I’ve been through every page of your current website, and I have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA WHAT YOU DO! You say you are an Integrative Business Advisor, Tech Specialist, Product Developer, help with branding, an aromatherapist, you talk about neuropathways (so maybe there’s some science in there), oh and you’re an Eating Psychology Coach. You have so many labels on the outside of the box that I have no idea what’s in the box. If I’m confused, so are potential clients.”

BAM! Reality check!

Once I caught my breath, I knew that I was on to something — something BIG!

I’ve always said that being a solopreneur challenges you like nothing else in life. It brings up all the fears, blocks, and insecurities buried within. It makes you question your value and tests your patience when it comes to all the learning curves to keep up.

It forces you to dig deep when it comes to writing anything from blog posts to sales pages. #amillionroughdrafts

It gives you an opportunity to be extremely humbled, listen more intently to your intuition and your inner circle, and create something truly marvelous.

Letting go of ego

When you are used to being the cook, chief, and bottlewasher it’s oh so difficult to let go of control. I saw this early on. I had very specific ideas in mind, which were quickly squashed by both my business strategist and brand developer. I kept trying to say things in a different way, thinking they’d “get it” better! Ha!

Luckily, a true professional can cut through your bull, and give it to you straight!

Finally, I let go of the reigns and trusted the journey. I rewrote the copy, I opened my mind to an alternate color scheme, I trusted the timeline (3 months — really?!?).

Creating space for growth

Fortunately, during this growth process, I was able to work remotely. One glorious month in Hawaii. I carved out 4–5 hours each morning, 7 days a week to focus on getting clear, writing, and planning out the year ahead.

I can’t emphasize how crucial creating space for growth and creativity is. I once had a client that would book an Airbnb in Arizona for the month of August to create. I always thought it was a luxury, but now I see how incredibly valuable it is.

Being out of your routine dramatically cuts down on excuses and mental patterns. Once you develop a new daily normal your mind starts to assist you in that groove, and it becomes much easier to produce.

I broke out of my shell and did my first Facebook live when I was away, which was on my to-do list for a year! And started shifting some old self-beliefs.

It’s all too common

We think that we are unique. That no one else can relate to what we are experiencing. This is so far from the truth. Yes, of course, we are individual, with a unique perception of the world, but certain circumstances and roadblocks are pretty predictable.

Currently, I’m coaching 2 clients that are going through rebrands. At times, they get pretty frustrated having to rewrite their content or simplify their website for better conversions. Other times, they are elated with the progress and filled with satisfaction when they see the new entity take form. Overall, everyone is shocked at how much work actually goes into a rebrand, and wants it to go faster (much faster)!

My best advice for a rebrand –

  • Put things on pause so you can create
  • Work remotely, if possible
  • Don’t rush — greatness takes time
  • Leave space for things to evolve — it’s OK to change your mind
  • Hire professionals (web developers, photographers, etc.)
  • Talk things out — either with a coach, or a trusted ally
  • Be gentle with yourself. A lot comes up when you are rebranding. Consider it an opportunity for personal development as much as it is for business development.
  • Commit to a timeline and take baby steps each day to achieve your goal (no excuses)
  • Celebrate the wins when they come about. Don’t wait until everything is complete to cherish the highlights

I’m so pleased and at ease with what’s been created. I’d love it if you brewed your favorite hot beverage and perused my pages.

Here’s a peek at the overall look:

I hope the above helps you! Wishing all the luck and momentum that you need to define and present your best self in your business.

Have you just experienced a rebrand? If so, I’d love to hear about your experiences and see the final product — let me know in the comments below.

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