Schooled by Suffering with Molly K. Larkin

Episode #3

Here are the highlights of "Schooled by Suffering" with Molly K. Larkin.

Who is Molly?

Molly is a Life Coach and brings her experience as a mental health nurse with her as she gently guides people to access the wisdom of their own bright heart.

Overcoming Life’s Struggles

In her own words, she “suffered like hell looking for some way to fix what was never broken.” She struggled with many forms of addiction. Addiction to drugs, alcohol, food, and purging.

She is not only on the other side of pain and disconnect, she lives a life filled with freedom and self-compassion. She created a business to help others do the same.

Shining a Bright Light

Larkin’s mission is to help amazing women wake up from the trance of unworthiness. She says, “The shit that you want to get rid of, cut out, disown, and shake off is the shit that paves the path home. Home to your own bright heart. Home to being awake and alive and in love with your own sweet self."

What others say about Molly

Molly brings such beautiful depth and presence. She goes far deeper than strategies and topics with her clients, she really looks at the core of something, going all the way down  to the root. – Kate Courageous

I loved my time with Molly because:

She walks her talk. Through her own challenging life experiences, a beauty and compassion for humanity and humanness emerged. Her commitment to guide other souls struggling with perfectionism, shame, addiction, and body image issues is strong and pure.

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