Passion + Perseverance from the Heart with Suzanne Farley

Episode #4

Here are the highlights of "Passion + Perseverance from the Heart" with Suzanne Farley.

Who is Suzanne?

Suzanne is an Artist Advocate Extraordinaire! Plus, she knows what it takes to run a successful business.

Drawing from her years in business management, planning, human resources, and her tenure as Executive Director of the famous Naples Grape Festival, Farley brings solid experience to the table.

Overcoming Lifeā€™s Struggles

After 14 years of business, Suzanne is no stranger to economic ups and downs. She persevered and journeyed on. Continually marketing and staying focused on her ideal customer, in addition to relying on word of mouth referrals, she's been able to sustain a successful business since 2004.

Shining a Bright Light

Suzanne's determination is inspiring. She is proof that if you have a dream, believe in yourself, and adopt a stick-to-it attitude, anything is possible. She says, "Follow your heart and the rest will fall into place. "

I loved my time with Suzanne because:

She really cares about people. Suzanne's desire to please all the visitors that walk through her door is inspiring. She truly cultivates warmth in the Community and offers a heartful hub for artists to showcase their wares.

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