Big Tree School of Natural Healing with Cindy Black

Episode #25

Here are the highlights of my interview with Cindy Black: Big Tree School of Natural Healing on Women Developing Brilliance.

Who is Cindy Black?

Cindy Black, L.Ac. is the founder of Big Tree School of Natural Healing, and the author of Meridian Massage, Opening Pathways to Vitality. Initially trained as a Massage Therapist, she dove into Chinese Medicine when the opportunity presented itself. Based on her experiences, she integrated Classical Chinese Medicine, western massage therapy, lifestyle adjustments, and movement practices into the Meridian Massage Approach.

Overcoming darkness

Cindy is no stranger when it comes to spinning out on the solopreneur journey. Whether it was initially trying to do what all the “expert marketers” told her she should or just general overwhelm that comes with the entrepreneurial path.

She applied her grounded in simplicity philosophy to business and discovered that you could simplify greatly and succeed.

She advises choosing fewer things, whether it be apps, social media channels or what not and do them well.

She shares, if you’re visual then do Instagram. If you hate Facebook, then skip it.

You need to be in flow and aligned with what you love. Pick a channel that reflects what you love.

Lightbulb moment

In her early 20’s a mysterious abdominal pain arose. After several diagnoses and no results, she landed on an acupuncturist. After 2-3 sessions her pain was completely gone.

Even though she had always been interested in health and healing, that was the turning point to learn more.

She became a licensed massage therapist.

From there she and her partner opened the Finger Lakes School of Massage in Ithaca, NY.  

Chinese medicine kept calling her deeper.

Cindy continued to expand her education and studied acupuncture and other various healing modalities.

Shining a bright light

Over the years of education, Black pooled together all of her learnings and skills and started her own approach. By beginning with small workshops, she discovered that people were really interested in learning what she put together and the Meridian Massage Approach was born!

You have to persist when you have a calling….and take the leap of faith. You can’t keep waiting for somebody else to open the door. Recognize it and then find a way to express it.

Her next big project

She has a 3-month Meridian Massage Immersion that kicked off in January 2019. She is with her students every step of the way and is committed to helping them understand the fundamentals of the ancient wisdom.

She is also loving Vimeo as an opportunity for people to enjoy her single classes.

I loved my time with Cindy because

She is a deeply spiritual person, open-minded and big-hearted. It’s a wonderful combination! Her work influences so many people around the globe. Not only do I cherish my friendship with Cindy, I am also a believer of her message. “Move towards happiness.”

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