Wander Wealthy with Tess Wicks

Episode #52

Tess Wicks is a Wealth and Mindset Coach and the founder of Wander Wealthy, an educational platform for online coaches and service-based entrepreneurs. Her mission is to bring financial literacy to the self-employed, to help them see that with the combination of practical financial systems and magical mindset work, they have the ability to transform their money stories and ultimately experience ease when it comes to making money and managing their finances.

She believes that this world needs more wealthy women and role models.

Here are the minute markers with the highlights of this episode:

00:02:52 What happened when the "entrepreneurial bug" hit

00:05:39 When Tess pivoted to helping self-employed coaches 

00:07:46 How to deal with "imposter syndrome" gremlins

00:09:17 Thrive Business Thrive - a message from our sponsor.

00:12:46 "It's totally safe for you to throw all of what you thought was safe out the window and do something entirely different."

00:16:36 Wellness professionals "just going with the flow" when it comes to their metrics

00:21:00 Powering up setting goals

00:22:59 Act before you're ready

Connect with Tess: www.wanderwealthy.com

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