Rapid Rewire with Michele Molitor

Episode #73

Michele became an executive coach 16 years ago when her career in high tech got turned on its head. From that experience, she discovered coaching which changed her life forever.

Nectar Consulting was the phoenix reborn from the flames, and today helps women entrepreneurs and executives step beyond the edge of their comfort zone to find their voice and stand fully in their confidence.

Michele's passion is helping you to create your career, your success, your joy ā€“ on your own terms, from your true essence and brilliance.


Here are the minute markers for the highlights of this episode:

00:02:44  Rapid Transformational Coaching: What It Is And How Michele Uses It To Help Clients

00:06:29  How Michele Was Able To Transform and Pivot Through Rapid Transformational Therapy

00:09:59  Overcoming Limiting Beliefs And Moving Forward

00:17:53  Energetic Blocks Around Money And How To Clear Them

00:21:00  How Much Does The Collective Consciousness Affect Us?

00:23:20  How To Connect with Michele

Connect with Michele and learn more about access to her new Rapid Rewire Membership Program and $1 offer here.


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