10 Things I Learned at Tony Robbins & Dean Graziosi's World Summit 2020

Episode #98

The World Summit 2020 was a 3-day packed event that featured several of the great minds in the knowledge broker industry.

Here are my top 10 takeaways so you can grow your business by modeling the experts!

Let me know which one is your favorite in the comments below. :-)

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Connect with Kc:

Kc Rossi is a Mindset and Self-Leadership Coach who helps women entrepreneurs and leaders go from people-pleasing burned-out perfectionists to profitable powerhouses. Sheā€™s been a full-time entrepreneur since 1991 and has built six and 7+ figure businesses. Kc is on a mission to help women achieve wholistic wealth without burning out. If youā€™re interested in learning more about coaching with Kc, book a complimentary Strategy Session here: https://www.kcrossi.com/strategy